Sunday, November 16, 2008

Amber Alert.. Queen Fattie escapes OBX?

No worries fellow fatties...I've relocated my fast clusters to MD for a job that actually pays real live money. Did I mention I left the husband, the house and the dogs behind? Yeah. Yeah I did that. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get good chain restaurants within walking distance. SIF loves TGIF. Anyway, due to high stress I have taken a break from blogging to concentrate on what really matters during this very difficult time...emotional eating. On the menu this evening is Smart Pop popcorn mixed with Peanut M&M's. It covers the food groups quite nicely. As is the case every Sunday night, I've vowed to change into "the new me" come Monday morning. Being that Monday morning is officially 5 hours away...I have some work to do. It's hard to cram in all of the "lasts" before dawn. The pressure...

Susan is prepared to act as my fat publicist in the event that people start talking. During the fat stage: "Kelly respectfully requests that you respect her privacy during this very difficult time." Then there's the post fat stage: "Kelly just woke up one day and stopped eating. It was the craziest thing." So as you can see I'm prepared on all levels for failure and success. That's key. Let's be clear. I have no plan. I left my beloved "crack" in the OBX. Can't get my hands on that til Friday. Shit. Then there's Thanksgiving. I reserve the right to "holiday eat." Anyway, I'll keep you posted on my success/failure as things progress. Until then, I need to get back to binge eating.

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